veröffentlichungen als verleger
1. Oscar Gilligan (ed.): The Birmingham Six. An Appalling Vista (LiterÉire, 1990).
2. Mark Hutcheson / Hans-Christian Oeser (eds.): Transverse. European Poets in & on Translation (Irish Translators' Association, 1991).
3. Raynor O'Connor Lysaght (ed.): The Communists and the Irish Revolution. Part One: The Russian Revolutionaries on the Irish National Question, 1899-1924 (LiterÉire, 1993).
4. Hans-Christian Oeser (ed.): Transverse II. Seamus Heaney in Translation (Irish Translators' Association, 1994).
5. Hans-Christian Oeser / Marco Sonzogni (eds.): Günter Grass: "Fortsetzung folgt..." / "To Be Continued..." / "Leanfar de...". The Nobel Lecture (Irish Translators' and Interpreters' Association, 2002).
6. Hans-Christian Oeser: Im großen Dazwischen. Artikel, Nachworte, Rezensionen, 2 Bde. (Privatdruck: LiterÉire, 2015).
7. Hans-Christian Oeser: Der Brunnen am Ende der Welt. Gedichtübertragungen (Privatdruck: LiterÉire, 2015).
8. Hans-Christian Oeser: The Burden of Two Worlds. Articles, Afterwords, Reviews, Letters (Privatdruck: LiterÉire, 2021).